Saturday, March 23, 2019

Learning from Jeremiah

Spring in Minnesota!

After many weeks of darkness, cold, snow we now see the sun do it’s work. My 59th winter is finally over.

With spring comes melting snow which means new temporary creeks are formed. Some times those creeks take a new path through your basement. Sandbags, pumps, mud, shovels, extension cords, ice fill up the day.

Picking up Jeremiah.... chapter 1 verse 11. The Lord shows Jeremiah an almond branch. Jeremiah was able To name the branch and learn that watching was part of his call. And Jeremiah wrote these wonderful words, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

The nations, includes me in 2019! These words remind me that through baptism, I also am called. Snow gives way to water and water washes the earth to get ready for new growth.

Jeremiah, called by God, to speak the truth, to watch for God’s hand, to listen for God’s words and share those with his people. Judah, a small country, a bridge that Egypt must use. Judah searches for something to worship and they chose what their hands could make. God’s patience wears thin and he sends Jeremiah to do the hard work. Tell them - let them know that God is watching and sees the path Judah has chosen to pursue. Each word of Jeremiah’s life - each blessing from God’s hand, Jeremiah’s faith given by God’s Spirit and fed by the gospel message of Jesus love. Each person is there - God’s Hand, Jesus Love and the Spirit to support and build up the people He has drawn together.

And so we watch too, as the sun slowly warms the earth and the cold snow gives way to green grass. Where there was once thick ice covering the yard will give way to green grass and yellow dandelions. God’s mercies are new every day. Where mud, water flow now soon will be warm earth, birds and flowers. The sandbags, pumps, shovels, extension cords will no longer be needed. The mini-water fountain in the driveway will be a memory.

And where do we turn to worship and give thanks? Was it the pump or the shovel or the sandbag that caused the change? Or was it our persistance and stubborn desire to keep the water out? Or do we see God’s hand as winter gives way to spring?

As for me, God’s mercy is new every day. Will you join me in watching for His mercy today?

— joey

Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas bracelets

Why a Christmas bracelet?

Each year we gather to celebrate Jesus birth, our family and another year of blessings. Each year brings changes and some sorrow as well. We keep our connections by gathering to spend time together. 

The bracelets are made of red and green paracord. Paracord is made up of 7 inner strands wrapped in a hollow sheath. The strands and the sheath give the cord it's strength.

                      And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”.   Ecclesiastes 4:12 KJV

The green cord in the bracelet reminds us of spring and the newness of life each year. The sun and warm rain turns our world green again. After a long winter of waiting we love the changes. As I write this on 12/26, the wind whips the trees and presses against our windows. Green reminds us of God's grace and power in our lives.

Red, the color of blood, reminds us of how Jesus came to be with us and gave his blood for each one. It reminds us of the suffering and tragedy in this world.

The knots in the bracelet, called Solomon knots, remind us that we are all connected to life, to God's love and to each other.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How can I thank you, Lord

How can I thank you, Lord. For all your loving kindness,
that you have patiently Borne with me in my blindness!
When dead in many  sins and trespasses I lay,
I kindled, holy God, Your anger every day

it is your work alone that I am now converted;
O'er Satan's work in me You have your power asserted.
Your mercy and your grace That rise afresh each morn
Have turned my stony heart into a heart new born

Christian Worship 460  Verse 1, 2

Friday, November 04, 2016


“Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.”
Psalms 139:5 KJV

Each day brings along moments we accept with the expectation there will be more to come. Moments to walk, laugh with friends, marvel at the fall colors. Moments to worship and sing with joy. Moments to hug, moments to give to others and moments to speak of God's love.

A life of prayer and praise is possible no matter where or how we live.  Job is just one example of God's power alive.  Jesus healed many with his hands and his words. There were many more he chose not to heal. Paul asked for healing and the answer was 'my power is made perfect in weakness'.

Moments change lives as God's word and water combine in baptism. On Wednesday, I watched baby Isaiah join God's family by baptism. On Sunday, two adults confirmed their baptism. God's power in word and water.

Luther taught that our baptism is so rich and awesome that we have enough to study for an entire life. A baptism is simple and wonderful to see. Through that washing of water each of us is connected. Jesus himself was baptized in the Jordan River.

Mark gave us these words about baptism - Who ever believes and is baptized will be saved but who ever does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16

Water, word, God's love and a moment changes every thing.

How wonderful that we can join together to praise God for all he has done and will do for his children!

— joey

Encouraging people

John Maxwell's book 'Be a People Person' is in my hands this week.  I found this list of qualities to be rewarded in chapter 7.  I'm posting here as a reminder to myself. What other qualities do I look for ?

- Positive attitude
- loyalty
- personal growth
- creativity
- risk taking
- applied creativity
- decisive action - act on what you learn
- work smarter not harder
- simplification
- quality work
- consistency
- creative teamwork

What words are helpful in communicating these to others?

Friday, December 11, 2015

Human effort - what is it for?

Bouncing around the web is a confusing pass time. If you tracked your web browser history for the past day what would it look like?  It might be embarrasing if every site was listed in the order of time spent. 

Timothy Keller speaks about human work. How do we know what is good and what is bad? 

This talk is 30 minutes or so.

Is clicking on all these links satisfying in some way?  Why? 

Where will you go next? 

— joey  

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Traveling Thoughts

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

We took a long trip to Florida a few years ago. It was nearly three days of driving for us. All six of us climbed into the van and agreed that this was an adventure. An adventure to visit family, an adventure to visit the beach and an adventure to spend a few days at Disney World.

Matthew got sick. We were stuck in traffic near Atlanta. Dad got lost a few times (just once). There were some long boring hours across Illinois. There were complaints. And the words, "Are we there yet?".  We rode some rides and enjoyed the warm Florida sun. We were the only ones in the pool in Florida (it was 65). It was an adventure!  We all have memories (some good, some less good) of our trip together.

Goodness, mercy and grace were there with us on our trip. Just as goodness, mercy and grace are renewed each day for God's people. We share a time of grace, that I think is similar to taking a long road trip together. We have times when we may disagree on which turn to take. The turns some times lead to discussions and hurt feelings. Such is the world of darkness and sin we share.

But we remember to look up and remember, surely goodness and mercy shall follow each of us.

As we prepare for the celebration of Christmas, please take a few minutes to pray for those who have not found their savior Jesus. Ask God to show His mercy so that they come to know Him as the source of all good things. And we can thank God that we are not there yet. There is time yet for others to come to know His love.


Friday, December 14, 2007

God's House

Today's entry based on reading 1 Chronicles 15-19.

King David is alive and well. Nathan his prophet has a revelation that David is not to build a temple. "This is what the Lord says: You are not the one to build me a house to dwell in."

David gives thanks to God for all that has been given him. And then he went out and won a few battles. In process capturing many riches that were later used to build the temple.

As King, David has the resources of Israel at his feet. He realized that God's purpose was far greater than his small ambitions. David listened to the revelation, "Here I am Lord". And he turned his energies and the engergies of the nation to defending the land God gave them.

David listened to God's advice and deferred so that his son Solomon would have the responsibility of building the temple.

What does God tell me here?
Wisdom comes to those who listen to others and realize there are limits to be obeyed. The world of God's creation is abundant and full of opportunities to give praise.

What do I want to pray for?
The pain of losing a home is all to real for people these days. The experts say the housing market is due for even more changes. Also, the war in Iraq continues to take it's hard toll on families. May God's grace fill these families with peace.

Tomorrow's verses: Psalm 102-104.